Thursday, February 1, 2018

Be Still

"Be still, and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in this earth!" (Psalm 46:10).  

Be still!  Not so easy, is it?  We are so accustomed to distractions.  From our busy schedules, social media, friends, and our own thinking. Ever notice when you try to be still and your mind starts racing about things or suddenly you feel like you have to check your social media.  Well truth is it’s hard to hear God or feel His Presence with us with those distractions. 

BE STILL!  Find a quiet place and sit with God.  It’s well needed time alone.  Turn off the distractions, stop listening to your friends and your own thoughts.  Just be still my friend, and talk to God.  Ask Him what He wants you to do, where He wants you to go, and what He wants you to say.  Then just be still and listen.

Lord come and be with us that we would sense Your Presence by our side.  Come and speak to us that we would hear from You tonight.  Lead us in the path You have for us.  in Jesus Name, Amen.