Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Purpose and A Destination

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said,…  Matt 4:19

Well it’s finally arrived.  I’ve been thinking of starting an official blog for quite some time now.  What to name the blog was a struggle, although I knew it would include a journey somehow.  Than the thought, what kind of journey, a journey of faith, the journey: step by step, or my journey with Jesus.  Some other thoughts and concerns like what will I post or will I post frequently.  Anyway, I was sensing God leading me to do this and delayed way long enough.  So it has begun and I’ll trust Him for the rest.  

Walking the Journey: With a Purpose 

Most of my journey resembled aimless wandering.  However, the past couple of years I’ve realized it lacked a starting point and a destination.  The journey has now become an intentional walk with a main purpose – to follow Jesus, to seek Him for life, and relationship.  Becoming like Him, to see His Kingdom come on earth, and the final destination – eternity.  

How's your journey?  Are you on the journey with Jesus?   What's your destination?

Dear Lord, thank You that You have invited us to come and follow you.  I pray we intentionally walk our journey to follow You.  Lord I pray we wouldn’t aimlessly wander but seek you with purpose.  I pray we follow you when the times are good and when the times get rough.  Let us fix our eyes on You and the destination You have for us.  Make us fishers of men to help further Your Kingdom here on earth.  In His Name, Amen.