Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Straight to the Core

 11 Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience. 12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 13 And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account (Hebrews 4:11-13, ESV).

Ever wonder how someone can read the Bible and still not believe?  Or how many atheists know scripture well and no change?  Through the years, I’ve read through Bible passages and it was basically just reading words on a page.  Then I’ve had times when I’ve read through a passage of scripture and it seemed like it just jumped off the page and came to life.  

It was God’s design from the beginning for His people to have relationship with Him, to communicate with Him.  It was God’s design to have them enter rest in His Presence, rest that comes from living in His will.  Throughout the Old Testament, we see God speak to His people through leaders and prophets.  They spoke the word of God, a message of repentance so that the people would return to Him.  And then there was 400 years of silence from God.  

However, God had a plan, a redemptive plan.  Early on in the New Testament  we have the arrival of John the Baptist, who came preaching the same message of the Old Testament Prophets, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”  John the Baptist was preparing the way for Jesus.  Jesus, the Word became flesh and dwelt among the people to speak the commandments the Father told Him to speak (John 12:49).  When Jesus spoke, it caused a response within people.  Multiple times people were amazed by His teaching, He provoked the hypocrisy of Pharisees on numerous occasions, and even personally addressed individuals including His disciples.  Throughout the Gospels, Jesus would shine light into the darkness, nothing was hidden from Him.  He had no problem cutting straight to the core, piercing the division of soul and spirit, discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.  Jesus had a way of provoking a response in people, whether they agreed with Him or not!

Even today God still desires to communicate with His People.  He speaks through scripture. He speaks directly to us, many times it comes in the form of a thought or a picture/vision.  He speaks through others, maybe through a sermon, a pastor, a friend, or even a stranger.  In Balaam’s case, God spoke through his donkey (Numbers 22).   God desires to speak to His people and speak right to the heart.  

Have you ever had one of those moments when someone says something or you heard sermon and knew it was a word from God personally for you?  The word of God is alive and active and meant to provoke a response in our lives.  

There have been times God’s word was reaffirming me in some way, His love, grace, hope, calling, or the strength to persevere.  Ah, those days - the joy!  But then, there are other days, the days when scripture brings conviction or surfaces brokenness, and UGH, those days – NOT so fun!   Usually my first reaction was not in agreement.  Sometimes it was denial (not me!) or flat out rejection (I don’t do that!).  Other times my response came out of my wounded self and I thought, OH NO, I’m not going there and would try to stuff it back down!  Regardless of my response, it was too late, the piercing sword straight to the core had already begun its work.

Inevitably, I had come to realize if God was surfacing it, it was time to deal with it.  Although our human tendency may be to avoid it and/or run from God, nothing is hidden from Him.  He knows everything already, He knows things we don’t even know about ourselves.

What is God surfacing in your life?  

Lord, thank you for Your desire to speak to us.  Holy Spirit, come now and speak directly to our hearts and souls.  May you bring the words each of us need to hear.  Bring us Your word of affirmation, reminding us of Your love and acceptance; maybe words of conviction to turn away from sin; or words of healing in the core of our brokenness and wounds, so that we may find rest in You! 

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