Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Lonely Road

And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34, ESV). 

The journey of life takes us down many different roads.  The lonely road of life is no stranger to any of us.  Often it is even while we are completely surrounded by people.  The cause may vary depending on life events, a close friendship that has ended, divorce, or the loss of a loved one.  However, many times it comes within daily living, the lack of close relationships or rejection from others.

The staggering numbers of those struggling with loneliness/depression have greatly increased within in our young people.  School or daily life may be that lonely road they walk on a daily basis.  Not just young people but adults and in work places, worse yet within our churches.  Social Media, although great in many ways, has become a way of increasing loneliness and the sense of rejection for many.  It lacks the true sense of companionship or meaningful relationships.  At times it even has the reverse and causes others to feel left out.

Even Jesus walked it as he walked the road to Calvary.   And when brought before Pilate, Pilate being allowed to release a prisoner, he asked to release either Barabbas a murderer or Jesus the King of the Jews.  The chief priests rallied the crowd to release Barabbas and crucify Jesus. 

For many, it may even feel like the crowds are cheering for the Barabbas’ at your expense, maybe they truly are.  The bully at school is encouraged by the laughter of others at the expense of the one who is bullied.  Certain school cliques are cheered on because of status while others are left out.  People are promoted in the work place while they tear others down.  On and on the list could go. 

We've all been down the lonely road at some point or another. Regardless of the cause we are not alone on that road.  Many others have walked it and/or are still walking it. 

Know this, you are not alone.  Know Jesus knows your pain.  Know he has carried your loneliness to the cross.  Know he has experienced the ultimate loneliness (God's wrath) so we wouldn’t have too!

O Lord you have been there.  You have walked the lonely road before us.  You have carried our loneliness to the cross.  You have done this so we would not be alone.  Give us a fresh reminder of your Presence with us today!  

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