Behold, I am
doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and
rivers in the desert (Isaiah 43;19, ESV).
These were the words the
Prophet Isaiah spoke to the people. God
was doing a new thing. Previously he
exited them from Egypt he delivered them out of the wilderness. It took 40 years but he exited them from the
wilderness. God was up to something new for them and he said he would make a way.
Apparently they were
missing it because right there in the middle of the verse he asks a
question. Do you not perceive it?
Even today, God continues
to do new things in the lives of his people.
Is he springing forth something new in your life?
Lord you are the same yesterday, today and
forever. In the same way you sprang
forth something new then, you still continue to do new things for us
today. Open our eyes and hearts to
perceive it. Amen.
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