Monday, September 19, 2016

Small, but Powerful

5 So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things.
How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! 6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell (James 3:5-6, ESV).

In the neighborhood I grew up in, years prior it was mostly a summer community.  There in the center starting from left to right, was lake, a huge in ground concrete pool (no liner), a community building that had a snack bar, a few arcade games and pin ball machines for the kids, a large wall for hand ball or racquet ball, and a big field. When we moved in the area, most of the houses were starting to sell and become year round residences.  The summer community was fading out.  I vaguely remember the community center in operation it was really run down and shortly after cleared out to an empty building.

It was great, as a young kid I do remember swimming in the pool and during winter months after most of the water was drained, it was the perfect spot to ice skate.  Or we’d have ice hockey games (without skates) with the other kids in the neighborhood.  Because the water was shallow it always froze over faster than the lake and the walls contained the hockey puck from getting lost.  And then it was eventually filled in, probably when I was about 14 or so.  However we continued to hang out there, at the lake and the field.  Most of the kids were older than me, more my brother’s age, I guess I was the tag alone.  By about middle school another girl my age moved into the area. 

It was the neighborhood hang out.  Often the local police department would send an officer to come and check on us.  The officer and some of the high school kids were on a first name basis.  Yep it was that kind of group.  I remember one year it was fall we hanging out in the field.  The tall grass was now brown and blown over.  My friend and I decided it was fun to light a few pieces of dry grass on fire and then put it out.  Some of the older kids started to yell at us saying how stupid and dangerous it was and how we could start a fire.  Needless to say, my friend decided one more time and lite a few pieces of grass.  In perfect timing came a wind and bam.  It felt like instantly we were looking at about 5 feet in circumference of fire.  The guys jumped up starting from outside in, stomping in out with their boots and slapping it down with their jean jackets.  After my initial shock I began to help.  Although I didn’t remember having my jean jacket that day, I always wore my Nike high tops (boys of course, because they didn’t come in girls back then), which I used to assist in some stomping!  As you could only imagine we heard an earful after the fire was out and it was well deserved.  Everyone sweating on this crisp cool fall day, I remember thinking how thankful I was for the group.  The group many may have considered as outcasts, losers.  Back then they were called head bangers. 

With just one little spark of fire we could have set the whole field (and possibly more) ablaze had they not been there to put it out.  As it the case with most fires, it starts with some small spark and then it consumes everything in its path only leaving behind a trail of destruction. 

That’s what James is getting at here with the power of words.  Primarily he is talking to those in position who teach and cautioning them how words can direct course of life for others. Hence the fact, he is cautioning teachers (leaders) and the influence they have in the lives of others.  But honestly its not limited to teachers.  We all have a circle of influence.  For most of us it begins right at home with our families, our children, and extends to others around us. 

Nevertheless he is stressing the importance the impact words can have on the lives of others. I have seen the lives and reputations of people destroyed from gossip, lies, and rumors.  The harmful effects from negative, hurtful, or belittling words towards another and the wreckage it has done to that person.  Words set on fire by hell staining the body and setting ablaze total destruction for that person’s course of life. 

Worse yet there are those whose words lead others away from God.  After all isn’t that what the serpent did in the Garden of Eden?  His one little lie to Eve set the course of life for all mankind, straight to eternal death.  Talk about a small spark setting ablaze an uncontrollable forest fire.  Thankfully God did not leave us on that course of life.  He sent Jesus to give us a new course.  Jesus came to put out the fire of unrighteousness because he covers us with his righteousness, he counteracts Satan’s lies with truth because he is the Truth, he cleanses us from the stains of sin by washing us with his blood on the cross, and he redirects our course of life from eternal death to eternal life because he is the Life. 

Heavenly Father, we see the destruction words can cause, but we thank you the reverse is also true.  We can use words that bless and not curse, words that love and encourage, words that breath life and health into the lives of others.  Thank you Lord, you can put out the fires of unrighteousness that have been set ablaze in our lives; You have given us Truth to shatter the lies of the enemy; You have redeemed us from the course that leads to eternal death through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  The Word who became flesh, came to reverse the words set on fire by hell (words by Satan himself).  Thank you Lord through Jesus we are directed on the course that leads to life, abundant life, and eternal life. In his we pray Amen. 

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