Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Knowing who you are…

One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was reclining at table at Jesus' side   John 13:23

Personal Thought:
I have to confess, there was a time when I thought John was somewhat bragging or pompous by saying this.  However, through the years of my journey and coming to understand His love for me more and more, I realize John’s comment was one of security.  He was secure of the love Jesus had for him and therefore he could say with a sincere heart, he is the one whom Jesus loved. 
His statement wasn’t pompous or conceit, rather it was one of assurance.  Assurance of who he was, of who Jesus said he was, and he was fully secure of his identity.   

How assured are you to say, I am the one who Jesus loves?  If it’s uncomfortable or shallow in any way, than time is needed to spend with Jesus in prayer and meditate on his words.

Dear Lord, Heavenly Father, thank you for you have called us to you.  I pray for assurance of who you say we are, that we too Father, could say with a sincere heart, I am one whom Jesus loves, may these words sink deep into the heart.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

… A greater service!

But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.   Mark 10:14

Vacation Bible School is always an exciting time for our church.  I have served at VBS for many years and always looked forward to it.  There is always amazement as the church comes together decorated to each year’s theme and watching the children come with joy.      

This year was very different for me at VBS.  I am so thankful for all who helped to make it happen; the directors, the registration crew, the worship team, the station leaders, the group leaders, the youth group serving, and all those behind the scenes that pulled together to make it happen.  We had 130+ (I think 137) children come and sign their name to a wooden cross, taking the step of faith to Jesus. 

A new thought came to mind this year about VBS, it is more than just getting a children’s program together it is bringing the children to Jesus.


Dear Lord Heavenly Father, I thank you for all who came to help be a part of bringing the children to You.  I pray, You bless them and encourage them for their service to You.  Thank you for the little children.  I pray for each child who signed the cross, that they would hold it dear in their hearts, that they would grow in relationship with You, and continue to seek You with zeal and excitement even now the week is over.  In Jesus Name, Amen.